2025 African Mining Directory
Toronto Stock Exchange and TSX Venture Exchange listed mining companies in Africa
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MineAfrica's 2025 Directory (updated in on January 4, 2024) lists all Toronto Stock Exchange and TSX Venture Exchange listed mining companies active in Africa.
Active is defined as having an exploration project, a mine under development or a producing mine. Only listed companies are included. Oil and gas companies are not included.
Each company listing contains, wherever possible, company name, stock symbol, mailing address, senior contact person, telephone number, email and web address, African country of operation, type of commodity and type of project (exploration, mine development or production). The directory is in an Excel spreadsheet and is searchable on a variety of variables including country of operation, commodity, type of project, head office location, etc.
90% of the companies listed have email addresses for the president or senior executive (as opposed to a general email address like "info@....").
The directory is compiled from publicly available sources by MineAfrica staff. Sources include Toronto Stock Exchange, SEDAR, internet research, media and trade publication research. The report is intended for the use of the purchaser only and not for distribution to third parties.
The Directory is available for C$225 and contains approximately 95 records.
Disclaimer: The information contained in this report is publicly available. MineAfrica Inc. and its employees cannot assume responsibility for the accuracy or completeness of the information contained in this report, nor for decisions made based upon information contained in this report.
Order the 2025 African Mining Directory.
For more information contact Wayne Floreani at wayne@mineafrica.com or (416) 533-3998.